ARIR is affiliated with
Italian Association of Physiotherapists (Associazione Italiana FIsioterapisti A.I.FI.)


A.I.FI. and ARIR share the desire to enhance the figure and the work of physiotherapists as professionals able to develop strategies for prevention, care and rehabilitation of the patients entrusted to them. In the respiratory field, the intentions of the two Associations overlap to the point of sharing a report of continuous discussion on important issues such as basic and specialized training, in cardio-respiratory perspective, of physiotherapists Italians; the legal framing of the figure of the physiotherapist specialist in Physiotherapy and Respiratory Rehabilitation and the elaboration, together with other associative realities, of Position Papers concerning topics of physiotherapy interest in the field Respiratory.

To seal this partnership ARIR guarantees A.I.FI. members a discount of 10 euro on the Membership fee.