High-Flow Nasal Cannula Oxygen in Critically Ill Adults: Do the Nose or Lungs Know There’s a Difference?
Bryan A Wattier RRT Jeffrey J Ward MEd RRT FAARC
Short-Term Effects of Humidification Devices on Respiratory Pattern and Arterial Blood Gases During Noninvasive Ventilation
François Lellouche MD PhD, Claudia Pignataro MD, Salvatore Maurizio Maggiore MD PhD, Emmanuelle Girou PharmD PhD, Nicolas Deye MD MSc, Solenne Taillé Eng, Marc Fischler MD, and Laurent Brochard MD
Humidified High Flow Nasal Oxygen During Respiratory Failure in the Emergency Department: Feasibility and Efficacy
Hugo Lenglet MD, Benjamin Sztrymf MD, Christophe Leroy MD, Patrick Brun MD, Didier Dreyfuss MD, and Jean-Damien Ricard MD PhD
A Preliminary Randomized Controlled Trial to Assess Effectiveness of Nasal High-Flow Oxygen in Intensive Care Patients
Rachael L Parke MHSc, Shay P McGuinness, and Michelle L Eccleston RN
Is Humidification Always Necessary During Noninvasive Ventilation in the Hospital?
Richard D Branson MSc RRT FAARC and Michael A Gentile RRT FAARC