Razionale Scientifico
We have lived for almost two years, from 2020 to 2022, with the constant concern of managing an unknown disease neglecting all that is our basic training and the propensity to treat respiratory failure that nowadays we would call “non covid”. Spending our time among international expert leaders to update, discuss and confront each other, will allow us to take a break from our continuous search for normality. During the conference we will discuss about acute and chronic respiratory failure, secondary to the different types of pathophysiological alterations, ventilation techniques and their niche applications. A critical eye will also be turned to the appropriateness and timing of antibiotic and nutritional therapy as well as to new therapies for severe obstructive and restrictive diseases such as Asthma, COPD and ALPHA1 deficiency which managed correctly can change the course and prognosis of the disease.
Giuseppe Fiorentino
Honorary Chairmen
Serafino Antonio Marsico, Naples
Antonio Corcione, Naples
Scientific Committee
Antonio M. Esquinas Rodríguez, Murcia (ES)
Giuseppe Fiorentino, Naples
Anna Annunziata, Naples
Zuhal Karakurt, Istanbul (TR)
Scientific Secretariat
Antonella Marotta, Naples
Francesca Simioli, Naples
HABITA79 Pompeii
Via Roma, 10 • 80045 Pompei (Napoli)
Online all’indirizzo http://www.centercongressifad.com/
20-21 ottobre 2023
Per le iscrizioni visitare il sito web https://centercongressi.com/eventi/niv_2023/
Iscrizioni Early Bird entro il 31 agosto 2023.
Segreteria organizzativa
Center Comunicazione e Congressi – Provider ECM n° 726
info@centercongressi.com • www.centercongressi.com
Via G. Quagliariello, 27 • 80131 Napoli • 081.19578490